Here you can find all the other random projects I feel like releasing at some time or other. What's on here can vary wildly both in intent and just plain wierdness. Have fun with them, I know I usually do. ;-)


FFX Al Bhed Translator
Ascii Numeric Convertor
Hex Numeric Convertor
Site Layout Download


AltTracker is an older application of mine that I found in my archives. Its last update was somewhere in 2004, and it was started somewhere in early 2003. To put it short, AltTracker is a simple database application that keeps track of players' alts, separating them by game/service. You CAN search the database, too, which helps. I'd like to feel I've gotten better since I wrote this, but hey, it still works so maybe someone can get some use out of it. :)
I no longer play The Realm, so the contact info is mostly wrong. Oh well. :P

If anyone's really interested in the source, contact me and I'll probably post it.

Download AltTracker 1.100. (150kb)


Last updated: 6-13-2008
Version 1.0.1

Forefront (nothing whatever to do with Microsoft Forefront) is a small utility application that I created as an exercise when a friend asked about tools to do this sort of thing. It sits in your system tray and provides a list of open applications. You can then select one of these and toggle whether it's Stay-On-Top or not. There are other applications that do this, including smaller ones (thank-you VCL >.>) but I wanted to make my own. :-)

Source is likely available on request if you're actually interested in it.

Download Forefront (157kb)

FFX Al Bhed Translator

Last updated: 9-23-2004
Version 1.0a

Talk about being bored! ;) Anyway, this program translates the Al Bhed language used in Square Enix's FFX game. To and from English, so you can even use it to annoy your friends with.

Download Here (24k)

Ascii Numeric Convertor

Last updated: 05-11-2005
Version 1.0

Another random bored thing. Converts a string of characters into a giant pack of numbers that represents their ASCII values. Converts to and from this string format. I don't really know quite why I did this, except someone had been talking about doing something similar, I needed something to so, to did it. What more can I say?

Download Here (24k)


Hex Numeric Convertor

Last updated: 10-30-2005
Version 1.0

Another random bored thing. Converts a string of characters into a giant pack of hex numerals that represents their ASCII values. Converts to and from this string format. I do do some pretty useless little apps, but they can be fun at times just to do. Go figure!

Download Here (24k)


Last updated: 2-13-2004
Version 0.95

This program lets you echo keystrokes to multiple Furcadia windows. You can record and play them back as a sequence. It doesn't support shift, control, and alt keys for playback. This program was the final result of part of a late-night "what if" conversation with a friend, and we all know how strange those can get at times, don't we? Not released before because I was always "going to" finish it up. Since I never did, I finally decided to go ahead and release it to anyone who wants it.

Download Here (158kb)

Site Layout Download

Last updated: 12-25-2005
Version 1.0

This is the basic framework I had created to make the original version of this site. It's not that hard to add stuff to, so you shouldn't have too much of a problem if you understand HTML at all. :-) The only thing I really ask is that you keep the "Layout by" message at the bottom intact.

Download Here (~10kb)