Want to talk to me? Want to drop off a comment or suggestion for some of my software, or perhaps a new project idea? Perhaps to commission the creation of a bot application? Even (heaven forbid!) a bug report? There are a couple ways you can get to me in any of these cases. They are listed below. :-)

Contact Methods

Support Helpdesk

Support Helpdesk

I now have a support ticket system! I suggest using this as the first method of bug reporting or contacting me, as it's completely web-based. No need to send emails. :-)

You can find the Helpdesk here! (It's also the Support link on the sidebar!)


You can talk to me on Furcadia by whispering Lothus Marque. If you want to talk to me face-to-face, as it were, I'm usually in Naia Green. :-)


My email address is something I usually keep rather on the quiet due to spam issues, so this is obfuscated. It does require Javascript enabled to show, I'm afraid, so if you're a NoScript user, you'll need to allow them on this page. If you absolutely refuse to do that, well, you're kind of out of luck, aside from contacting me on Furcadia directly or using the helpdesk system as per the sections above. I'd suggest the helpdesk, personally!