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Yeah, I know it's been slow. :(
2012-11-08 21:30:34

Sorry about that! I've still got some things I'm working on here and there - including some (mostly minor) updates to release later on. Hopefully soon. college sort of does that to you... it takes up a lot of time. Still, it's for a good cause. :P

Truthfully, I'd like to overhaul Fusion a bit and integrate an expanded Prismaticator inside. It makes sense, at any rate... why not put all of that functionality inside the one application? It seems like a good idea to me, at least. But doing it means I need time and motivation. e.e

Oh, and that Tricorder update will probably end up in the next F2 download, just to make sure people have the newer version even if the core doesn't get much of an update for a while.

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